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Changge Sanfang Apparatus Factory Henan China

Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Importer, Exporter,
Number of employees: 11 - 50
Annual sales value: Euro < 500.000
Established year: 2002

Machines & Tools

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Firm Rank: 0

When using our Trash Picker you not only speed up the pick-up process, but save your back by eliminating repetitive bending. Our tool eliminates any handling of harmful or nasty garbage, reaches difficult areas and avoids contact with insects, snakes and poisonous weeds! Around the home the trash picker can be used for 100's of jobs! You can retrieve an item from high shelf in the kitchen or garage, reach items behind the dryer, pick up shoes, clothing, newspapers, toys, clean up yard/garden debris, pine cones, sticks, walnuts, rocks, trimmings, pick fruit or clean out ponds, creeks or aquariums(they won't rust), or grab a scary insect or critter you'd prefer not to touch!

Address data

Street:Changge City yishui road Garden of Eden henan china
Postal code:461500
Phone: +86 374 6970899
Fax: +86 374 2757729


Contact person

Name and Surname: GuoLi Che
Phone: +86 374 6970899
Mobile: +86 13017598398
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